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Finlay Forbes Gower

Art See Ocean

Meet English artist from London; Finlay Forbes Gower.

After graduation Finlay has been working with painting, writing and in choreography and costume making for theater and performances.

Collaboration Finlay Forbes Gower & Theresa Lekberg

When Finlay arrived from buissy London to rural Sweden she had a clear picture of her aims and goals on her residency stay.

Coming to Art See Ocean Gallery in February, in a secluded nature she found herself free from the outside noise and distractions,

instead going more inwards and following her own process.

She took the brave step out of her plans, and walked the thin ice of the unknown.

As a result of that a performance piece erupted and she gathered inspiration and material for her book project, photographs and research.

Below is a wonderful interview about her experience:

We also keep some secrets, but can reveal that the outcome of

Ms Finlay Forbes Gower residency stay at Art See Ocean Gallery

goes far beyond her two weeks here, and in the near future you will be hearing more of that. Artists Unite!

Performance in Mother nature

Stick walk

Pictures from Performance and the infamous `Stick-Walk´.

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